Monday, November 24, 2008


Di Indonesia, gelatin masih merupakan barang impor, negera pengimpor utama adalah Eropa dan Amerika. Menurut data BPS 1997, secara umum terjadi pemanfaatan dalam industri pangan dan farmasi. Dalam industri farmasi, gelatin digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat kapsul. Dalam industri pangan, gelatin pun sekarang marak digunakan.
Gelatin adalah produk alami yang diperoleh dari hidrolisis parsial kolagen. Gelatin merupakan protien yang larut yang bisa bersifat sebagai gelling agent (bahan pembuat gel) atau sebagai non gelling agent. Sumber bahan baku gelatin dapat berasal dari sapi (tulang dan kulit jangat), babi (hanya (kulit) dan ikan (kulit).
... Karena gelatin merupakan produk alami, maka diklasifikasikan sebagai bahan bangan bukan bahan tambahan pangan.
Menurut data dari SKW Biosystem suatu perusahaan gelatin multinasional bahwa produk gelatin dunia pada tahun 1999 sebanyak 254.000 ton terdiri dari sumber kulit jangat sapi sebanyak 28.7 %, kulit babi sebanyak 41.4% serta kontribusi tulang sapi sebesar 29.8 %, dan sisanya dari ikan.

Gelatin komersial yang ada di pasaran dikategorikan sebagai gelatin tipe A dan tipe B. pengelompokan ini berdasarkan jenis prosesnya, yaitu proses perendaman asam dan basa. Proses perendaman asam menghasilkan gelatin tipe A dan perendaman basa menghasilkan gelatin tipe B. gelatin tipe A umumnya berasal dari kulit babi yang memiliki titik isoelektrik (titik pengendapan protein) pada PH yang lebih tinggi (7.5 - 9.0) dari PH isoelektrik gelatin tipe b (4.8 - 5.0). Sedangkan gelatin tipe B biasanya bersumber dari kulit jangat sapi dan tulang sapi. Sedangkan gelatin ikan dikategorikan sebagai gelatin tipe A. dalam perkembangannya, proses pembuatan gelatin yang berasal dari tulang dapat dilakukan juga dengan menggunakan cara asam yang lebih sederhana yang akhirnya juga menggeser PH isoelektrik pada sekitar 5.5 - 6.0.
Secara ekonomis, proses asam lebih disukai dibandingkan dengan proses basa. Hal ini karena peresndaman yang dilakukan dalam proses asa relatif lebih singkat yaitu (3-4 minggu) dibanding dengan proses basa (sekitar 3 bulan).
Setelah mengalami perendaman bahan dinetralkan untuk kemudian diekstraksi dan dipekatkan (evaporasi). Bahan yang telah mengalami pemekatan dikeringkan untuk kemudian mengalami proses penggilingan tau penghancuran menjadi partikel yang lebih kecil atau sesuai dengan standar tertentu.
Dari data SKW biosystem, penggunaan gelatin dalam industri non pangan sejumlah 100.000 metrics ton digunakan pada industri pembuatan film foto sebanyak 27.000 ton, untuk kapsul lunak sebanyak 22.600 ton, untuk produksi cangkang capsul (hadr capsul) sebanyak 20.200 ton serta dalam dunia farmasi dan teknis sebanyak 12.000 ton dan 6.000 ton.
Penggunaan gelatin dalam industri pangan masih menurut sumber di atas adalah sebesar 154.000 metrics ton, dimana penggunaan terbesar adalah industri konfeksioneri yaitu sebesar 68.000 ton selanjutnya untuk produk jelli sebanyak 36.000 ton. Untuk industri daging dan susu memiliki jumlah penggunaan gelatin yang sama yaitu sebesar 16.000 tom dan untuk kelompok produk low fat (semisal margarin) dan makanan fungsional (food supplement) memiliki kontribusi penggunaan gelatin yang sama yaitu sebesar 4.000 ton.
Aplikasi sejumlah gelatin (254.000 metrics ton, 1999) pada industri pangan (60%) dan non pangan (40%), dikontribusikan oleh gelain yang bersumber dari babi sebanyak 40% dan sapi (termasuk tulang dan kulit) sebesar 60%. Pada industri pangan jumlah penggunaan gelatin yang disumbangkan oleh babi sebesar 27% dan dari sapi sebesar 33%. Sedangkan untuk industri farmasi yang menggunakan gelatin yang berasal dari babi sebesar 7% dan yang berasl dari sapi sebesar 12%.
Jika ditinjau dari selisish persentase kontribusi gealtin sapi dan babi dalam industri pangan maupun farmasi persentase tersebut bukan merupakan selisih yang cukup besar dibandingkan dengan presentase konsumen muslim yang hanya boleh menggunakan gelatin yang bersumber dari sapi.
Gelatin disebut miracle food. Hal ini disebabkan karena gelatin memiliki fungsi yang masih sulit digantikan dalam industri pangan maupun obat-obatan. Salah satu keunggulan yang paling terkenal adalah bisa memiliki sifat melting in the mouth. Ini sifat yang paling disukai oleh hampir semua pengusaha industri pangan.
Namun demikian, tidak berarti gelatin sama sekali tidak bisa digantikan dalam industri pangan maupun farmasi. Penggunaan hidrokoloid yang bersumber dari tanaman sudah banyak dikembangkan dalam rangka menggantikan peran gelatin. Sungguhpun sejauh ini hasilnya tidak sesempurna gelatin, tapi sudah cukup memadai. Misalnya ada sebuah perusahaan permen chewy yang dulunya menggunakan gelatin, sekarang telah mendapat sertifikat Halal MUI setelah menggantikan gelatin dengan beberapa sumber hidrokoloid. Jadi, walaupun hasil akhirnya tidak mirip, peran gelatin dapat digantikan dengan mengkombinasikan beberapa sumber hidrokoloid. Dan penggunaannya bersifat aman dalam konteks kehalalan karena bersumber dari tanaman. Selain itu alternatif lain yang saat ini masih terus dikembangkan adalah gelatin yang bersumber dari ikan.
Sumber : Jurnal Halal LP POM MUI

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Transformers my Optimus Prime

The leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime came to Earth shortly after Bumblebee sent his comrades a beacon. Upon atmospheric reentry, Prime managed to land outside of Tranquility's inhabited areas. While Sam and Mikaela watched, Optimus transformed and fled his landing place. From atop a hill, he quickly scanned the form of an Earth truck, thus configuring his body to transform into it. Prime, Jazz, Ratchet, and Ironhide met up with Bumblebee and his human friends, Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes in an alley. In one of the most extended transformations in the multiverse, Prime assumed his robotic form before the stunned humans. After confirming Sam's identity, Prime introduced himself and his team. When Mikaela asked of the Autobots' intentions, Prime explained the search for the All Spark, the betrayal of Megatron, and why Sam was important to their search.

At least Prime didn't throw a rock at your window.
Glasses that belonged to Sam's ancestor,
Captain Archibald Witwicky, contained the location of the All Spark encoded across its lenses, so Optimus Prime ordered his troops to wait outside Sam's house while Sam and Mikaela searched inside for the glasses. Much to Sam's exasperation, Optimus Prime, in his impatience, clumsily ruined his parents' garden, and the Autobots' heavy footsteps convinced them there was an earthquake. Prime's attempts to hide, such as having the Autobots transform into vehicle mode right in the backyard, were also less than satisfactory. Ultimately, Sam came so close to a panic attack that Prime was forced to order the Autobots to fall back. As Prime lectured his team on their supposed inability to remain quiet, Ratchet got himself shocked by walking into some powerlines, causing further problems. When the parents came to investigate, Prime's attempt to avoid discovery caused the house to shake, though this was to their benefit, as the father assumed that the damage to the yard was the result of an earthquake. Ironhide suggested that they kill the parents, but Optimus scolded his old friend. Despite all this, their presence remained undetected until Sector Seven arrived (in a convoy of GMC Yukons) and abducted Sam, Mikaela, and Sam's parents.

Get out of the car...what's left of it anyway!
Optimus Prime sent the Autobots in pursuit of the SUV that contained Sam, Mikaela, and Sector Seven's director,
Agent Simmons. Prime intercepted the vehicle carrying their young human friends, ripping the roof of the vehicle off, with the other Autobots disarming the agents, and made it perfectly clear to Simmons how pissed off he was at him for trying to apprehend the two children, regarding this as a bad move on Simmons' behalf. Optimus then ordered his comrades to relieve the agents of their weapons, and attempted to interrogate Simmons. The agents' lack of surprise at their appearance indicated that they had seen Cybertronians before, but Simmons refused to reveal any information. With a Sector Seven backup team en route, Prime ordered the Autobots to scatter, while he took Sam and Mikaela. While hiding under a bridge, Mikaela and Sam slipped and fell off Prime's shoulder. Bumblebee managed to catch them before impact, but was captured, and Sam and Mikaela recaptured, by the organization after their retreat.
Optimus Prime, now in possession of the glasses which could tell him the location of the All Spark, regretfully left Bumblebee in Sector Seven's hands, knowing that if they went after him, they would have to use deadly force. After regrouping the next day, Prime used the glasses to locate the All Spark. Jazz raised objections to leaving Bumblebee behind, but Prime remained firm in his belief of not harming the humans. Ironhide seemed okay with using deadly force, stating the humans were too violent, but Prime countered that when their time had come, the Cybertronians had been
little different. Going on to explain the potential he saw in the humans, as well as reminding them that "freedom is the right of all sentient beings", Prime revealed to the Autobots his real plan for the All Spark: if they could not defeat the Decepticons, Prime intended to merge the Cube with his spark. Though this would destroy the All Spark, Ratchet cautioned Prime against this, as it would also kill him. Prime believed that this was acceptable, vowing not to let another race suffer the mistakes of the Transformers. The glasses placed the All Spark at Hoover Dam where, luckily, Bumblebee and the young humans were taken.

Swiss army Prime.
Optimus Prime's team met up with Sector Seven, Bumblebee, Sam, and Mikaela en route, who had planned to hide the All Spark in nearby
Mission City. While on the highway, he was attacked by Bonecrusher, who managed to tackle Optimus and drag him over the edge of a freeway overpass. During the battle, Optimus struck the rage filled Transformer so hard his optic popped out. As the Decepticon swung his claw wildly, Optimus drew his sword from his right arm and sliced off one of Bonecrusher's arms, before brutally finishing off his enemy by driving the blade through Bonecrusher's neck, severing his head.

And in the red corner, weighing in at 4.3 metric tons, THE TRUCKER!
Optimus arrived at Mission City just in time to observe Megatron discarding the remains of Jazz, and challenged him. Millennia in the ice had done nothing to lessen Megatron's hatred of his brother, and he launched himself in jet mode at the Autobot leader. Optimus leaped and grabbed hold of the wings, which was a really bad idea, as Megatron drove himself and Prime through an office block. As they flew out of the building onto the street below, Megatron transformed and leapt on top of Prime, declaring the humans undeserving of life. Prime rejected his claims, saying that they deserved to choose for themselves. Megatron threw Prime across the street, declaring that if he wished to defend the humans, Prime could die with them. He then formed his
fusion cannon from his forearms. The power up time allowed Prime to draw his ion blaster and fire, hitting Megatron. The Decepticon used the momentum to spin around, then used the fusion cannon to blast Prime across the street into another building. Megatron then resumed the hunt for Sam and the All Spark.
Tracking Megatron to the deserted building, Prime (who ran past two falling helicopters NOT bothering to SAVE the doomed pilots) barely managed to catch Sam after Megatron knocked him off the roof. Telling the boy to hold onto the Cube, Prime attempted to scale down the building, but Megatron jumped on Prime, causing them both to fall down hard onto the street below. Sam survived, however, and Optimus told the boy that if he could not defeat Megatron, Sam must put the All Spark into his chest which would destroy it. As Sam sought cover, Optimus faced down Megatron, and informed him that, "At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall". Unfortunately, Megatron, even after years of stasis, proved to be far too powerful for Prime to defeat alone. The unit led by Lennox and the Raptor squadron laid down suppressing fire as Megatron reached for the All Spark, until Optimus finally took him down by sweeping his legs. Still, Megatron continued, crawling toward the cube. Believing he had lost, Optimus implored Sam to put the All Spark into his chest. Sam instead thrust it into Megatron's chest, killing the Decepticon leader and destroying the All Spark.

The Autobot Dorito of leadership
As Optimus watched his brother die, he regretfully said there was little other choice. He also told Sam he owed him a debt of gratitude for saving his life, but was then informed that Jazz had not survived (Jazz was flapping around disrespectfully like a ragdoll during this sequence). Prime briefly eulogized his comrade, then commented that they had gained new comrades in the humans, and was honored by their bravery. Bumblebee, who had finally regained his voice, requested permission to remain with Sam Witwicky, to which the young human eagerly agreed, and Optimus approved. He noticed a fragment of the All Spark in Megatron's chest cavity and removed it, then permitted the humans to dispose of the Decepticon corpses by dumping them into the deepest part of the ocean.

'Til all are one!
Though Megatron was killed and his Decepticons were defeated, the All Spark was destroyed, leaving the Autobots unable to restore Cybertron. The Autobots elected to remain on Earth, and Prime sent a message into deep space to any surviving Autobots in the Galaxy to come to their new home on Earth, their long years of searching having finally having come to an end. As the other Autobots rested (and watched Sam and Mikaela make out on Bumblebee's hood) Optimus Prime looked to the sky, hoping his message had been heard.
Transformers (2007)